Is Terra Cotta a Good Container for Orchids?
Many orchids are epiphytic plants. In the natural world, these plants don’t grow in dirt, but attached to the bark of trees. For this reason, orchid roots desire a great deal of air circulation so as to survive. The perfect pot for the orchid will offer superior circulation and drainage, mimicking the states which orchids prefer in the wild. The substance your orchid pot is created from will lead to the circulation and drainage.
Terra Cotta Vs. Other Materials
Terracotta is a naturally porous substance that acts like a wick, absorbing moisture which it contacts. When used as a construction material for pots, terracotta provides exceptional drainage and flow. Synthetic materials, like vinyl, don’t breath the way terracotta does. Plastic holds in moisture and may suffocate your orchid, or cause root rot.
Orchid Pots
Many standard planter pots are designed with a single hole in the bottom to provide drainage. Orchid pots are specifically designed to provide extra drainage and extra flow to the origins of this plant. These specialized pots have holes in the sides as well as the bottom. Terracotta, using its handy wicking action, is a very common substance for this sort of pot.
Growing Medium
Pot your orchid in the correct growing medium. The growing medium will work in tandem with your terracotta orchid pot to offer the maximum possible drainage and air flow. Many orchids are grown in a medium like a fibrous mass like roots from the osmunda fern. Orchids grown in bark require more frequent watering than those orchids grown in alternative mediums like osmunda fern origins.
Orchid Growing Tips
Many orchids have to be watered twice per week. This may be particularly true in a terracotta pot, therefore check the moisture content of the growing medium often as you adapt for a orchid’s required watering schedule. Permit the growing medium to dry out slightly between waterings, but don’t allow it to dry out completely. Never allow your orchid sit in water. Don’t place a saucer beneath the orchid pot. Fertilized your orchid using a fertilizer formulated for pot-bound orchids. These fertilizers will include their nstructions, which must be adopted to the health of the plant.