The way to Use FRP Molding
Commonly utilized in commercial kitchens and hospitals, fiberglass-reinforced plastic is a moisture-proof, sanitary and impact-resistant wall covering. The stuff is relatively cheap and available in a variety of colors and textures, which makes it a fantastic choice for bathrooms as tub surrounds and wainscoting. FRP molding is specifically fabricated for this kind of paneling and when properly installed, prevents moisture from getting behind the panels, which lets them expand and contract without buckling or bubbling.
Start at an Inside Corner
Start the installation process for an inside corner. Attach the corner molding to the wall and apply silicone sealant into the molding’s groove. Slide the first panel into the groove, leaving 1/8-inch involving the border of the panel and the inside of the tunnel for expansion. As you approach another inside corner, then leave the border of the last panel exposed. Slip another inside corner molding onto the first panel of the next wall. When you install this panel, the corner molding will cover the exposed edge of the panel on the first wall.
Cover Outside Corners
Outside corner moldings are fabricated similarly to inside corner moldings. 1 edge contains a barbell which accepts a panel on one wall and another border overlaps the panel on the opposite wall. Apply silicone sealant to the groove and slip one panel into the groove. Also apply sealant to the flux between the casting and the opposite panel.
Cover Seams Between Panels
Special molding bits called division bars are fabricated to cover the seams between panels. This molding contains a groove on both sides. Following a panel has been installed, apply silicone into one groove of a division bar and slip it over the direct edge of this panel, leaving 1/8-inch involving the panel’s border and the inside corner of this division bar. Some division bars have a control manual notched into them at the 1/8-inch mark so the panel stops at the correct spot. If desired, secure the casting with panel adhesive or simply tack the free border of this division bar into the wall with lath nails or other corrosion-resistant nails or staples accepted by the manufacturer. Apply silicone to the groove and check the sealant also covers the nail heads. Slide the following panel into the groove.
Baseboard Molding
Baseboard molding or cove molding could be connected to the wall to enhance the finished look. Manufacturers create specially designed baseboards that operate similarly to other FRP moldings with a groove to accept the panels, but they don’t require some advance preparation. Install the baseboard first. Cut the panels to size to ensure they slip into the groove, but halt 1/4-inch above the stop within the groove. Apply silicone sealant into the seams prior to installing the panels.